Central Bank of India Recruitment 2023 for Specialist Officer SO Posts
Central Bank of India Recruitment 2023 for Specialist Officer SO Posts - Central Bank of India has published an Advertisement for the Specialist Officer (Central Bank of India Recruitment 2023). Eligible Candidates are advised to refer to the official advertisement and apply for this Specialist Officer. You can find other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee, and how to apply are given below for CBI Specialist Officer Recruitment. Keep checking Current ojas regularly to get the latest updates for Central Bank of India Recruitment 2023.
Central Bank of India Recruitment 2023 Highlight
Recruitment Organization : Central Bank of India (CBI)
Posts Name : Specialist Officer
Vacancies : 192
Job Location : India
Last Date to Apply : 19-11-2023
Mode of Apply : Online
Posts Name :
Specialist Officer
Information Technology (Scale V) – 1 Posts
Risk Manager (Scale V) – 1 Posts
Risk Manager (Scale IV) – 1 Posts
Information Technology (Scale III) – 6 Posts
Financial Analyst (Scale III) – 5 Posts
Information Technology (Scale II) – 73 Posts
Law Officer (Scale II) – 15 Posts
Credit Officer (Scale II) – 50 Posts
Financial Analyst (Scale III) – 4 Posts
CA –Finance & Accounts / GST/ Ind AS / Balance Sheet / Taxation (Scale II) – 3 Posts
Information Technology (Scale I) – 15 Posts
Security Officer (Scale I) – 15 Posts
Risk Manager (Scale I) – 2 Posts
Librarian (Scale I) – 1 Posts
Total No. of Posts:
Educational Qualification:
Please read the Official Notification for Educational Qualification details.
Application Fees:
Application fee to be remitted by the applicants towards the Application for Recruitment is as under (GST @ 18% will be charged on application fee):
Schedule Caste/Schedule Tribe/PWBD candidates/ Women candidates: Rs. 175/- + GST
All Other Candidates: Rs. 850/- + GST
How to Apply ?:
Interested Candidates may Apply Online Through the official Website.
A cholesterol calculator that allows you to easily track your cholesterol levels
Cholesterol Calculator is an application for recording your daily cholesterol data. You simply enter the numbers and it does the rest: calculates total cholesterol, HDL (healthy), LDL (bad), Triglycerides, and much more. This application could be useful to people with high cholesterol or who are interested in maintaining healthy levels of this substance throughout their life like food calculator cholestetol. The cholesterol counter can give you a daily idea of how your cholesterol levels are doing so that you know if your cholesterol is increasing or decreasing. It will also record how many you have had throughout each day, including hard-to-measure values such as triglycerides. The result of the cholesterol ratio calculator is an assessment based on informative data (HDL, LDL, Triglycerides) to give the total cholesterol calculator for the day. 🔑Feature of this cholesterol tracker app🔑 ✅Display your cholesterol statistics with Cholesterol Manager. ✅The app will display the following cholesterol content: - Total cholesterol calculator - HDL (good) cholesterol - LDL (bad) cholesterol - Triglycerides ✅Daily cholesterol data recording: Input your data by yourself or use the built-in data collection device. ✅Calculate cholesterol based on HDL, LDL, and triglycerides levels to determine one’s total cholesterol level for the day ✅Assessment of the amount of cholesterol present in a person's bloodstream ✅Alert warning signs based on your input 👉Why you should choose this cholesterol tracker app ⭐No need for the Internet, you can still save cholesterol data every day ⭐Share data with friends or family members ⭐Easy-to-understand instructions and explanations
⭐Quickly backup and restore your data even if you've already deleted the
With our Cholesterol Calculator app, you'll be able to calculate your data and get a better understanding of your cholesterol levels. Simple and effective, keep track of your day-to-day cholesterol levels and the results will adjust for relevant factors as you enter more data. If you want to know more about your body and how controlling your cholesterol blood tests can affect your health, the Cholesterol Calculator is a great place to start. Discover and understand your health metrics and create recipes low calorie for your body.
🔥🔥🔥 We are doing our best to make the chlosterol tracking app better and more useful for you. This app is still in development so we welcome your feedback.
ये है दुनिया का सबसे महंगा फल - कीमत इतनी कि कोई आलीशान कार आ जाए
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ये है दुनिया का सबसे महंगा फल - कीमत इतनी कि कोई आलीशान कार आ जाए
Summer (गर्मियां) आ गई हैं और मौसम का तापमान तेजी से बढ़ना शुरू हो गया है। इसके साथ ही बाजार में Watermelon (तरबूज) और Sugarcane (गन्ने) के रस की भी मांग बढ़ने लगी है। भारत की बात करें तो तरबूज आपको 20-30 रुपये किलो आसानी से मिल जाता है।
भारत में कई प्रकार के फल और सब्जियां उपलब्ध हैं। उनमें से कुछ बहुत ही सामान्य फल हैं जैसे सेब, संतरा, अंगूर आदि। लेकिन बाजार में कुछ फैंसी फल भी मिलते हैं। जिसकी कीमत 500 से शुरू होती है। कुछ फल बारह से पंद्रह सौ तक के होते हैं।
लेकिन अगर आपसे कहा जाए कि ये तरबूज एक जगह लाखों रुपए किलो बिकता है तो क्या आप इसे खाने की हिम्मत करेंगे? कैसा है ये तरबूज और क्यों बिकता है इतने दाम में? आज हम इसके बारे में विस्तार से बताएंगे।
इस स्थान पर जापानी तरबूज उगाए जाते हैं
यह एक ऐसा फल है जिसे केवल अमीर लोग ही खरीद सकते हैं। Yubari Watermelon (यूबेरी तरबूज) हर जगह नहीं उगते हैं। यह फल केवल Japan (जापान) में ही उगाया जाता है। यह बहुत कम मात्रा में उगाया जाता है इसलिए इसका निर्यात नहीं किया जाता है। ऐसे में ये तरबूज सिर्फ जापान में ही पाया जाता है।
Expensive Fruit in the World (दुनिया का सबसे महंगा फल) भी माना जाता है। इस तरबूज का नाम है Yubari King (युबारी किंग) और इसे जापान के Hokkaido Island (होक्काइडो द्वीप) में उगाया जाता है। फल में हल्की सुगंध, कुछ बीज और मीठा स्वाद होता है। इन तीन खूबियों की वजह से यह हजारों डॉलर में बिकता है।
दुनिया का सबसे महंगा फल
सबसे हैरान करने वाली बात यह है कि इतना महंगा होने के बावजूद इसकी काफी डिमांड है। यह फल 20 लाख रुपए किलो बिक रहा है। फिर भी बहुत से लोग इसे खरीदते हैं। इस फल के इतने महंगे होने की एक खास वजह है। जबकि फल आमतौर पर धूप में उगते हैं, यूबेरी तरबूज को केवल ग्रीनहाउस में ही उगाया जा सकता है।
बहुत कम मात्रा में उगाए जाने और मांग इतनी अधिक होने के कारण यह दुनिया का सबसे महंगा फल है। साल 2019 में जारी टेस्ट एटलस की रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक, उस वक्त 2 जापानी तरबूज युबारी किंग 42450 अमेरिकी डॉलर यानी करीब 34 लाख रुपये में बिका था। जिसे दुनिया का सबसे महंगा फल कहा जाता था।
रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता बढ़ाने का उपाय
और भी कई विशेषताएं हैं जो इस जापानी तरबूज को महंगा बनाती हैं, जिनके बारे में आपको पता होना चाहिए। इस फल में विटामिन ए, एस, पोटैशियम, कैल्शियम, फॉस्फोरस समेत कई मिनरल्स पाए जाते हैं। यह संक्रमण रोधी फल है यानी इसका सेवन करने से कई तरह की बीमारियों से बचा जा सकता है। इसे खाने से इम्यून सिस्टम मजबूत होता है।
उत्पादन के लिए प्रौद्योगिकी
जापानी तरबूज युबरी किंग का उत्पादन हर साल अक्टूबर से मार्च तक होता है। इसे उगाने के लिए एक खास तकनीक का इस्तेमाल किया जाता है। इसके उत्पादन के लिए फलों के आकार, रस की मात्रा और उसमें मिठास के नियंत्रण पर अधिक ध्यान दिया जाता है। इन तरबूज के उत्पादन में विशेष उर्वरकों का प्रयोग किया जाता है जिससे इनकी मिठास बढ़ जाती है। इन तरबूजों की कीमत अधिक होने के कारण, दुनिया के कुछ ही धनी उपभोक्ता ही इन्हें खरीद सकते हैं।
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Healthy Heart Dieting Nutrition ideas Health Diet Tips to avoid cardiac attack.
Heart attack is a serious medical emergency in which the supply of blood to the heart is suddenly blocked, usually by a blood clot. Lack of blood to the heart can seriously damage the heart muscle. A heart attack happens when the flow of oxygen-rich blood to a section of heart muscle suddenly becomes blocked and the heart can not get oxygen. If blood flow is not restored quickly, the section of heart muscle begins to die. Heart attack treatment works best when it's given right after symptoms occur. Know deeply and in detail about this dangerous disease, Heart Attack and save your heart easily through our app in your android mobile.
Heart Care Health & Diet Tips is a Free App with Information on Tips Risks Dieting & Nutrition ideas for better health of heart to avoid stroke cardiac attack and other heart diseases for heart patients and well as healthy male and female. If you require additional assistance from real professional dietitians, app allows you to contact the dietician from the App to consult your queries and problems online. You can even seek for your personalized diet chart from the dietitian by using the options from the App.
This App has following sections:
* Cause of Heart Diseases
* Warning Signs
* Food to Eat
* Food Avoid
* Risk Factors for Developing Heart Diseases
* How to lower the risk of Heart Diseases
* General Tips
Dieting ideas and tips of this app have been carefully reviewed by Experienced and professional dietitians carefully. Besides this, if you have any medical history or have any additional queries, you can contact dietitian by tapping the Contact button within the App.
This App emphasizes on following additions Tips and information that may be great help for heart for men as well as women:
Navratri Garba Ringtone - Biggest Garba collection of ringtone, wallpaper, video & status. Celebrate your Navratri with Navratri Garba collection.
This app contains best collection of Navratri Ringtone, Navratri Garba, Mataji Arti, Bollywood Dandiya Songs, Garba Ringtone Gujarati, Old Garba Hit Songs, New Garba songs all in one application.
This app also contains best collection of navratri garba images, navratri garba video status, navratri status, navratri live wallpaper, navratri photo, navratri wallpaper, navratri garba gujarati, navratri garba video and more.
All you need is here carefully picked to be “Garba Ringtone” for you.
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App Features:
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We always choose high quality ringtones that are diversity, uniqueness and great fun for Navratri Ringtones app.
You can play them and set as your default ringtone, notification, alarm, or set as contact ringtone by just single click. Also share direct from these app.
Key Features: - 150+ Garba Ringtones Collection. - Good quality of Audio. - Set as default ringtone, Notification, Contact Ringtone or Alarm. - Share your selected audio file via e-mail or other Social network. - Fast and effective application on all android devices. - Offline App. - No need of Internet Connection. - Nice User Interface and Easy to Use.
The Om Meditation all in one Hindu/Buddhist Meditation Helper Tool.Chant Timer.Training Info
Simple, straightforward Meditative Timer, Trainer and Aider to chant a variety of powerful Hindu and Buddhist rituals.It has been carefully designed to offer the most exact renditions of these old-fashioned mantras.These tried and true Vedic Om mantras will allow you to calm your body and mind, and lift your spirit.
Meditation all in one:Om (AUM) is considered to be the sound that never ceases to be everywhere throughout the universe all the time.It is believed as the sole sound that you can hear when going to a state of deep meditation..
The description of Om Meditation All In One App
Everyone needs to be calm and stress relief from your daily routine.We provide you with 20+ om meditation tracks that will help you sleep for free.We realize that time is a valuable resource, and that’s why we’ve developed this application to help you achieve the peace and sleep you require and, consequently, an improved sleep.Increase your wellbeing and enhance your living. The user-friendly interface with stunning images can make it your preferred music to fall asleep.
Do not waste time playing around with sounds or browsing apps with a variety of options to set up.
Moreover, Change the white noise for relaxing sounds to sleep that are more beautiful and equal or more effective.
As well as Enjoy our long-running sessions with no repetition and avoid programs that play the same tune every few seconds.
Enjoy this exclusive om meditation experience for absolutely free, with no subscriptions or
Income Tax Department, Gujarat has published an Advertisement for the IT Inspector, Tax Assistant, MTS (Income Tax Gujarat Sports Quota Recruitment 2023). Eligible Candidates are advised to refer to the official advertisement and apply for this IT Inspector, Tax Assistant, MTS. You can find other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee, and how to apply are given below for Income Tax Department, Gujarat IT Inspector, Tax Assistant, MTS Recruitment.
Income Tax Gujarat Recruitment
Recruitment Board- Income Tax Gujarat
Total Posts- 59 Posts
Last Date-15-10-2023
IT Inspector
Tax Assistant
Education Qualification
Please read the Official Notification for Educational Qualification details.
Age Limit
The age limit for Inspector Posts is 18-30 Years while the age limit for the Tax Assistant and MTS is 18-27 Years. The crucial date for the calculation of the age is 1.8.2023. The age Relaxation will be given as per the Rules of the Government. The sports eligibility is required for each type of post.
How to Apply?
Interested Candidates may Apply Online Through the official Website.
Redmi 12 5G ke duniya mein tej 5G ke sath safar par tayyar ho jao! Is vyapak guide mein iske features, specs, aur aur bhi cheezen jaaniye.
Hello, Tech Enthusiasts aur Smartphone lovers! Kya aap taiyaar hain Redmi 12 5G ke duniya mein ek jhakas safar par? To apne topi ko tight pakdo kyunki Xiaomi ka naya creation aapko ek aisa ride dene wala hai jo aap kabhi nahi bhoolenge.
Is guide mein, hum Redmi 12 5G ke saare exciting details ko kholege, ek aisa device jo aapke smartphone experience ko redefine karne ka wada karta hai. Iske sundar design se lekar lightning-fast 5G capabilities tak, humne sab cover kiya hai. To der kis baat ki, chaliye shuru karte hain!
Redmi 12 5G Ki Pardafash
Ek Design Jo Sabko Ghumayega
Pehli mulakat mein impression banana zaroori hai, aur Redmi 12 5G isme kisi ko bhi nirash nahi karta hai. Yeh ek futuristic art ka ek tukda pakadne ki tarah hai! Isme ek khoobsurat slim profile aur ek aakarshanak gradient finish hai, jo elegance aur sophistication ka izhar karta hai. Ise apne pocket mein daal kar, aapko turant premium quality ka ehsaas hoga.
Slim profile, gradient finish for premium look
5G Connectivity
Lightning-fast internet speeds for seamless usage
6.5-inch Full HD+ display with vibrant colors
Triple-camera setup for pro-like photography
Powered by MediaTek Dimensity 700 for smooth usage
Battery Life
5,000mAh battery with 18W fast charging support
Expandable Storage
MicroSD card slot for storage expansion up to 512GB
Splash-resistant, not fully waterproof
Headphone Jack
3.5mm headphone jack for wired headphones
Software Experience
MIUI based on Android with customization options
Rear-mounted fingerprint sensor and face unlock
5G Availability
Apne local carrier se 5G availability ke liye check karein
Lekin yeh sirf dikhaava nahi hai! Redmi 12 5G ko aapke haath mein comfortable fit hone ke liye ergonomically design kiya gaya hai. Ab kisi tarah ke uljhan se chhutkara milega, dosto!
Lightning-Fast 5G Connectivity
Ab, chalo speed ki baat karein! Redmi 12 5G apne naam ko izzat se samajhata hai lightning-fast 5G connectivity ke saath. Apne pasandeeda movies dekhna, lag ke bina gaming, aur crystal-clear quality mein video calls – ye sab ab aasan ho gaya hai. 5G ke saath, buffering ka koi sawaal nahi. Uninterrupted fun aur productivity ka samay aa gaya hai!
Soch rahe hain ki kya yeh future-proof hai? To bilkul! Jab tak 5G networks expand hote rahenge, aapka Redmi 12 5G un challenges ko tackle karne ke liye taiyaar rahega jo digital duniya aapke saamne laati hai.
Immersive Entertainment Ke Liye Stellar Display
Bina ek kamaal ka display ke toh kya maza hai, na? Redmi 12 5G ek aisa 6.5-inch Full HD+ display ke sath aata hai jo aapko prabhavit kar dega. Chahe aap apni favorite series binge-watch kar rahe hain ya latest viral videos dekh rahe hain, visuals vibrant colors aur tez details ke sath aayenge.
Redmi 12 5G
Aur guess kya? Redmi 12 5G HDR10 ko support karta hai, iska matlab hai ki aap ek cinematic experience ko apne haath mein lekar enjoy kar sakte hain. Movie night, anyone?
Redmi 12 5G Camera Se Pro Jaise Photos
Ab, photography ki baat karte hain kyunki hum sabhi unforgettable moments ko capture karne ka shauk rakhte hain. Redmi 12 5G ek aisi triple-camera setup ke sath aata hai jo aapko ek photography pro bana dega. Yahan dekhein kya expect kar sakte hain:
48MP Main Camera: Yeh camera har lighting condition mein stunning aur detailed shots capture karta hai. Blurry ya grainy photos se ab kehna chhodo.
8MP Ultra-Wide Camera: Dikhein aur kuch apne frame mein fit karna chahte hain? Ultra-wide camera aapko support karta hai, jisse aap breathtaking landscapes aur group photos capture kar sakte hain.
Aur agar aap selfie lovers mein se hain, to 8MP front camera aapko har shot mein apne best dikhane mein madad karega. Instagram game ko upgrade karne ka waqt aa gaya hai!.
Performance Jo Kar Deti Hai Dhamaal
Under the hood, Redmi 12 5G ko MediaTek Dimensity 700 processor se power milta hai. Aapke liye iska kya matlab hai? Tez performance aur smooth multitasking. Chahe aap gaming kar rahe hain, streaming kar rahe hain, ya apps ke beech mein switch kar rahe hain, yeh phone aapke demands ko aasani se handle kar sakta hai.
Plus, 6GB RAM tak ke sath, aap app crashes aur slow down se chhutkara pa sakte hain. Aapka Redmi 12 5G aapke demands ko bina kisi mushkil ke poora kar dega.
Battery Jo Hamesha Chalti Rahe
Aap bahar nikle hain aur pura din apne phone ka istemal kar rahe hain – aapko kya chahiye? Ek reliable battery, bilkul! Redmi 12 5G mein 5,000mAh ki battery hai jo aapko chhodti nahi hai. Chahe aap apni favorite series binge-watch kar rahe hain ya digital duniya ko conquer kar rahe hain, is phone mein stamina hai ki aapke saath chal sake.
Aur jab recharge karne ka waqt aata hai, to 18W fast charging support aapko lambe samay tak kisi outlet se bandhne se bachata hai. Turant apne adventures mein lautne ke liye taiyaar ho jao!
To yeh raha, dosto! Redmi 12 5G ek style aur performance ka powerhouse hai, jo aapke sabhi smartphone needs ko meet karne ke liye design kiya gaya hai. Iske amazing design, lightning-fast 5G connectivity, kamaal ka display, aur impressionable camera system ke saath, yeh ek device hai jo saare checkboxes tick karta hai
The State Government of Gujarat has started Vahli Dikri Yojana. The procedure of the application form will be rolled out when the scheme will commence. In this article we will provide you throughout discussion on the scheme to see the benefits of both online and offline mode. Also look out for the eligibility criteria and other info. So, read the whole article and take out the deep information..
Vahali dikri yojna
In the period of COVID-19 and the lockdown in the country the Gujarat government's funds were backed up . The amount of Rs.133 Crores were indulged in the scheme. From August 2019 to September 2020 total 9,325 girls are enrolled in the scheme so the state's Women and Child Welfare Department demande that to again avail the forms and extend the benefits of the scheme to 18 months.
To obviate female feticide in Gujarat and to deliver incentive personnel for girls' education in the poor families
● Enrollment in Class 1st Early Interposition Part Rs. 4,000
● Enrollment in Class 9th Late Interposition Part Rs. 6,000
● Above 18 years of Higher Education and wedding Rs. 1,00,000
The government introduced the Daughter scheme in July last year. At the time it came in action in August. The Department of Women and Child Welfare proposed to extend the date of application form so girls have benefits but in between pandemic came in COVID-19. So the government enclosed that that the application time is increased for 6 months and also the application last date is now 18 months from the birth.
વ્હાલી દીકરી યોજના માટે જરૂરી દસ્તાવેજો
બેંક એકાઉન્ટ પાસબુક
દીકરી નું જન્મ પ્રમાણપત્ર
ડોમિસાઇલ પ્રમાણપત્ર
આવક પ્રમાણપત્ર
માતાપિતાની ઓળખનો પુરાવો
The application period for the scheme elongated to 18 instead of 12 months from the date of birth of the daughter so those girls who are born after August 2019 can also apply for the scheme.
Required Documents
● Daughter's birth certificate
● Parent's Aadhaar card
● Maternal birth certificate
● Annual income of parents (Talati Office)
● Number of children in the family
● Certificate of birth control (when having another child)
● Affidavit enabled by the main officer in the given form
જો તમે વ્હાલી દિકરી યોજના ફોર્મ ડાઉંલોડ કરવા માગતા હો તો લિંક 2023
Application form for "Vhali Dikari" scheme is free of cost you can get the form by Anganwadi Center, CDPO office,Gram Panchayat,Women and Child Welfare office.
યુરિક એસિડ વધવાના કારણે થતો અસહ્ય દુખાવો નહીં કરવો પડે સહન, આ વસ્તુનું સેવન કરી દો બંધ.
જે લોકોને શરીરમાં યુરિક એસિડ વધી જતું હોય છે તેમને ઘણી વખત સાંધામાં અથવા તો ગોઠણમાં તીવ્ર દુખાવો થાય છે. આ દુખાવો ખૂબ જ ભયંકર હોય છે અને તેને સહન કરવું પણ મુશ્કેલ થઈ જાય છે.
સ્વાસ્થ્ય નિષ્ણાતો જણાવે છે કે જ્યારે વ્યક્તિ મર્યાદિત માત્રામાં ભોજન કરે છે તો શરીરને લાભ થાય છે પરંતુ જ્યારે અમર્યાદિત માત્રામાં વધારે ભોજન કરવામાં આવે છે તો તેનાથી શરીરને નુકસાન થાય છે. 30 વર્ષ સુધીના લોકોએ દિવસ દરમિયાન 2400 કેલરી લેવી જોઈએ.
50 વર્ષ સુધીની વ્યક્તિએ 2200 કેલેરી અને 50થી વધુ વર્ષની ઉંમર હોય તો તેમણે 1600 કેલરી લેવી જોઈએ. શારીરિક પ્રવૃત્તિના આધારે કેલરીનું સેવન કરવું જોઈએ જો તમે વધારે પ્રમાણમાં કેલેરી લો છો તો યુરિક એસિડ વધી શકે છે.
આ સિવાય યુરિક એસિડનું પ્રમાણ વધવાનું કારણ પ્રોટીન અને આલ્કોહોલિક વસ્તુઓનું સેવન પણ છે. આપણા શરીરમાં કિડની રક્તને ફિલ્ટર કરીને યુરિયાને અલગ કરીને શરીરમાં મિનરલ્સ નું સંતુલન જાળવે છે. પરંતુ જ્યારે યુરિક એસિડ વધી જાય છે તો કિડની ને સમસ્યા થાય છે.
સામાન્ય વ્યક્તિના એક ગ્રામ લોહીમાં 0.7 મિલી યુરિક એસિડ હોવું જોઈએ. જો યુરિક એસિડ તેનાથી વધારે હોય તો તકલીફ થાય છે. જો સતત યુરિક એસિડ વધારે રહેતું હોય તો કિડની ફેલ થવાની શક્યતા પણ વધી જાય છે.
શરીરમાં વધેલું યુરિક એસિડ હાડકાના સાંધા ની વચ્ચે જમા થાય છે અને અસહ્ય દુખાવો કરે છે. યુરિક એસિડ ની સમસ્યા હોય તેમણે દુખાવાથી બચવા માટે કેટલીક વસ્તુઓનું સેવન કરવાનું ટાળવું જોઈએ.
યુરિક એસિડ ની સમસ્યા હોય તેવા લોકોને મોટાભાગે પગની ઘૂંટીમાં દુખાવો થાય છે. આ સિવાય પાચન તંત્ર પણ નબળું પડી જાય છે અને દુખાવો સતત વધતો રહે છે.
જે લોકોને યુરિક એસિડ ની સમસ્યા હોય તેમણે પ્રોટીનનું સેવન મર્યાદિત માત્રામાં કરવું જોઈએ. જો પ્રોટીન શરીરમાં વધી જાય તો શરીરમાં યુરિક એસિડ વધી જાય છે.
આ સમસ્યા હોય તે લોકોએ દૂધ દહીં અને ડેરી ઉત્પાદનોના સેવનથી પણ દૂર રહેવું જોઈએ. આ સાથે જ પાલક ટામેટા જેવી લીલોતરી નો ઉપયોગ પણ ટાળવો.
યુરિક એસિડ ની તકલીફ હોય તેમણે કેશોર ગુગળ દવા દિવસમાં ત્રણ વખત પાણી સાથે લેવી. આ સિવાય જીરાને શેકી તેનો પાવડર કરીને આ પાઉડર એક ચમચી ગરમ પાણી સાથે લેવાથી પણ યુરિક એસિડ માં લાભ થાય છે.