મતદારયાદિ 2022 Pdf ડાઉનલોડ/તમારા ગામ/વોર્ડની નવી મતદારયાદિ 2022 Pdf Electoral Roll Gujarat Full List 2022
મતદારયાદિ 2022 મા નામ કેવી રીતે ચેક કરવું ?
તમારુ નામ તમે તમારા ગામ/વોર્ડની મતદારયાદિમા ઓનલાઈન કેવી રીતે તપાસી શકો છો ? આ માટે નીચેના સ્ટેપ ફોલો કરવા પડશે. How to check name in voter list 2022
Step : 1 સૌ પ્રથમ ચુંટણી કમીશનની ઓફીસીયલ વેબસાઇટ https://electoralsearch.in/ ખોલવાની રહેશે.
Step : 2 જેમા આ મુઅજ્બની વિગતો ભરો જેમ કે – નામ, DoB, રાજ્ય, જિલ્લો, વિધાનસભા મતવિસ્તાર
Step : 3 તમને કેપ્ચા કોડ માટે પૂછવામાં આવશે. તમારી સ્ક્રીન પર બતાવ્યા પ્રમાણે દાખલ કરો.
Step : 4 Search પર ક્લિક કરો.
મતદારયાદિ 2022 Pdf ડાઉનલોડ
૨૦૨૨ ની નવી મતદારયાદિ ચુંટણી પંચની ઓફીસીયલ વેબસાઇટ પર મુકાઇ ગયેલ છે. મતદારયાદિ ૨૦૨૨ pdf ડાઉનલોડ કરવા માટે નીચેના સ્ટેપ અનુસરવાના રહેશે. ફોટોવાળી મતદારયાદિ 2022
- તમારા ગામની નવી મતદાર યાદી 2022 પીડીએફ ફોર્મેટમાં ડાઉનલોડ કરવા નીચેની લિંક પર ક્લિક કરો. એક નવી સાઇટ ખૂલશે. સાઇટ ખૂલ્યા બાદ નીચે આપેલ સ્ટેપ પ્રમાણે અનુસરો.આ લિંક પર ક્લિક કરો- http://secsearch.gujarat.gov.in/search/PhotoRoll.aspx
આ લીંક પર ક્લીક કરવાથી નીચે ફોટોમા બતાવ્યા મુજબના ઓપ્શન ખુલશે.

- પ્રથમ જિલ્લા (District) ના સામેના ખાનામાં તમે જે જિલ્લાની મતદાર યાદી ડાઉનલોડ કરવા માંગતા હો તે જિલ્લો (Select) પસંદ કરો.
- ત્યારબાદ Assembly (વિધાનસભા) સામેના ખાનામાં વિધાનસભાનો વિભાગ Select કરવાનો રહેશે.દા.ત.
- તમારા ગામની કે બૂથની મતદાર યાદીના Show પર ક્લિક કરતાં પહેલાં Captcha ની આગળ દર્શાવેલ અંગ્રેજી અંકો અને અક્ષરો તેની સામે આપેલ કોલમમાં દાખલ કરવાના રહેશે. જ્યાં સુધી આ અક્ષરો અને અંકો કોલમમાં સાચા લખાશે નહિ ત્યાં સુધી યાદી ડાઉનલોડ થશે નહિ.
- આમ બન્ને કોલમ સિલેક્ટ કરવાથી આખા વિધાનસભાના તમામ વિસ્તારો (બૂથો) ની નીચેના કોલમ અનુસારની યાદી (લીસ્ટ) જોવા મળશે.તે લીસ્ટમાંથી તમે જે ગામ કે બૂથની યાદી ડાઉનલોડ કરવા માંગતા હો ત્યાં જાઓ
NVSP પોર્ટલ દ્વારા મતદારયાદિમાં નામ ચેક કરવાના સ્ટેપ
નેશનલ વોટર્સ સર્વિસ પોર્ટલ દ્વારા તમારું નામ કઈ રીતે ચકાસી શકો છો ?
Step : 1 નેશનલ વોટર્સ સર્વિસ પોર્ટલ (NVSP)ની વેબસાઇટની મુલાકાત લો—https://www.nvsp.in/
Step : 2 Search in Electoral Roll વિકલ્પ પર ક્લિક કરો.
Step : 3 એક નવું વેબપેજ ખુલશે, જ્યાં તમારે તમારી વિગતો દાખલ કરવાની રહેશે.
Step : 4 હવે, નવું વેબપેજ તમને મતદાર યાદીમાં નામ તપાસવાની બે રીતો બતાવશે.
Step : 5 સર્ચ કરવાનો પહેલો વિકલ્પ આ છે, જેમાં તમારે તમારું નામ, પિતા/પતિનું નામ, ઉંમર, જન્મ તારીખ અને લિંગ દાખલ કરવાનું રહેશે.
Step : 6 માહિતી દાખલ કર્યા પછી, તમારે તમારા રાજ્ય, જિલ્લા અને વિધાનસભા મતવિસ્તાર દાખલ કરવું પડશે.
Step : 7 શોધવાનો બીજો વિકલ્પ EPIC નંબર દ્વારા શોધવાનો છે. આ પ્રક્રિયામાં, તમારે તમારો EPIC નંબર અને રાજ્ય દાખલ કરવું પડશે.
Step : 8 આ બંને વિકલ્પો માટે, તમારે અંતે કેપ્ચા કોડ દાખલ કરીને વેબસાઇટ પર આ માહિતીને અધિકૃત કરવી પડશે.
ગામની મતદારયાદિ Pdf ડાઉનલોડ
આ ઉપરાંત નીચેની રીતે તમે તમારા ગામની આખી મતદાર યાદિ pdf ડાઉનલોડ કરી શકો છો.
- સૌ પ્રથમ તમારે ચુંટણી કમીશન ની ઓફીસીયલ વેબસાઇટ પર જવાનુ રહેશે. આ માટે https://erms.gujarat.gov.in/ceo-gujarat/master/frmEPDFRoll.aspx લીંક પર ક્લીક કરી ઓપન કરી શક્સો.
- ત્યારબાદ ઓપન થયેલ પેજમાં જિલ્લો,તાલુકો અને ગામ સીલેકટ કરતા તમારા આખા ગામની મતદાર યાદિ pdf ડાઉનલોડ કરી શકસો
Matadar Yadi Sankshipt Sudharana 2022 Programme | Matdar Yadi Sudharna Karyakram 2021 – મતદાર યાદી સુધારણા કાર્યક્રમ.
Electoral Verification Programme 2022 – Matdar Yadi Sudharna Karyakram 2022 – Matadar Yadi Sankshipt Sudharana 2022 Programme,Please Always Check Our Website to Know Upcoming Latest Jobs, Technology Tips and General Information Updates, remain with us avakarnews Please share with your companions this Post,Keep checking regularly to get the latest updates.
Voter Helpline App By Election Commission of India.The Voters never had the convenience of voter centric features delivered through the mobile app. All the services were available either in the physical format or were scattered in various websites and applications. The Voter had to either fill in the physical form or visit the website. Similarly, making the complaint had been an arduous task. As the ECI main website contains the information for all stakeholders, a normal voter had great difficulty in navigation and finding the content.
How To Download e-EPIC Card ? From voterportal.eci.gov.in. Or nvsp.in
How to download digital voter ID card On https://voterportal.eci.gov.in/, or https://nvsp.in.e-EPIC is a non-editable secure portable document format (PDF) version of the EPIC and will have a secured QR code with image and demographics like serial number, part number, etc.The e-version of the voter ID card is non-editable and it can be saved in facilities such as digital locker and can be printed in the PDF format.
Voter Portal: https://voterportal.eci.gov.in/
NVP: https://nvsp.in/
Voter Helpline Mobile app (Android / iOS)
More Details: Click Here
Steps to download Voter ID
- Register/Login on Voter portal
Steps for e-KYC
- Register/Login on Voter portal
Voter Helpline App is the comprehensive app for Indian Voters to search their name in the electoral roll, submit forms for voter registration & modification, download their digital photo voter slips, make complaints, find details about the contesting candidates and most importantly see the real-time results of the elections.19 Million (1.9 Crore) users used the Voter Helpline Mobile Application to search their names in the Electoral Roll till date.
With 2,16,81,289 (2.16 Crore or 21 Million) downloads and 1,53,604 (1.53 lac or 153K) user feedback, this national award-winning application has taken roots as a major tool for citizen empowerment. The seed for the Voter Helpline was sown in the year 2016, when a new website for Election Commission was envisaged. In the process of designing the new website, the concept of Voter Helpline took its humble beginnings. At that stage, the Project was codenamed as ‘ECI Citizen App’ and the initial objective was to display on the mobile app, the main ECI Website content.
The Voter Helpline app has been the most important Mobile app of the Election Commission of India. 53 Million electoral searches have been performed through the mobile app.With the advent of Booth App, the polling station searches have become very easy and fast by the use of QR code. The Photo Voter slip contains the QR code which is scanned by the Polling Officials in the polling station. Now the Voters can also download their digital photo voter slip from the Voter Helpline Mobile App. The process involves linking up their mobile phone with that of EPIC card. The Digital Photo Voter slips can be shown at the polling station instead of physical photo voter slip.
The ICT division of Election Commission of India has undertaken a new initiative by designing a mobile application for developing a culture of avid electoral engagement and making informed and ethical ballot decisions among citizens of the country. The application was first launched on 30th August 2018 and was brought to major use using Lok Sabha Elections of 2019
This app will allow users to easily find the information they are looking for. Citizens can browse the app based on their own interests and learn more about the Election Process in a more engaging way.The Election Commission of India has significantly modernized this Citizen interface to accommodate a growing user-base, as the Election Commission of India continues to branch out into new technology areas and caters for massive information dissemination requirements for its 87.5 Crore Electors during the General Elections.
How To search your name In voter List Gujarat :
- First Open official gujarat Government site http://secsearch.gujarat.gov.in/search/default.aspx
- Then fin Search name in voter List Tab
- Then Select one from following option
- Corporation/Nagarpalika/Taluka-district Panchayat
- then entre Your Name or epic card no.
- Enter Captcha code
- After Than press Search button and wait for your details
Important Link : -
ઓનલાઇન ચૂંટણી કાર્ડ કેવી રીતે ડાઉનલોડ કરવુ જુઓ વિડીયો
Matdar yadi sudharna karykram babat - 13-09-2021 - Download link
મતદાર યાદી સુધારણા પ્રોગ્રામ 2021-22 પરિપત્ર Download link
Official Voter Helpline App Download link
About Voter Helpline App
Taking forward its continuous efforts of building an active democratic citizenry in the country, Election Commission of India has undertaken a new initiative by designing a Mobile Application for developing a culture of avid electoral engagement and making informed and ethical ballot decisions among citizens of the country. The app aims to provide a single point of service and information delivery to voters across the country. The app provides following facilities to Indian voters:
A. Electoral Search (#GoVerify your name in the electoral roll)
B. Submission of online forms for New Voter Registration, shifting to a different
the constituency, for Overseas Voters, Deletion or Objection in the electoral roll, correction of entries & Transposition within Assembly.
C. Register Complaints related to Electoral Services and track its disposal status
D. The FAQ on Voter, Elections, EVM, & Results
E. Service & Resources for Voters & Electoral Officers
F: Find the Election Schedule in your area
G: Find all the candidates, their profile, Income Statement, assets, criminal cases
H: Find the Polling Officials and call them: BLO, ERO, DEO and CEO
I: Click a selfie after Voting and get a chance to be featured in the Official Voter Helpline App Gallery.
J: Download the list of Contesting candidates in PDF format and take the print out.
Process of Voter ID Card Correction Online in Gujarat: For citizens who hold a Voter ID and wish to make changes in details printed in Voter ID card, Gujarat Chief Electoral Officer's website offers an online feature to apply for correction
Read the steps given below to apply for changes in particulars mentioned in your Voter ID card: Go to the website of Chief Electoral Officer of Gujarat. In home page, select "Online Voter Registration" Log in using your credentials. If you are using this feature for this first time, register using your name, address, email id and phone number.
In the resulting page, select "From 8 for Voter Detail Modification". You will have to enter your Voter ID card number to proceed. If you are not sure about your Voter ID card number, you can use the search option to find out your Voter ID Card number. Form 8 which is designed by the election commission of India for changing the details about a voter will be displayed on the screen. You will have to enter information like your name, date of birth, address and other details about your family members whose name have been included in the electoral roll Specify the information that you wish to change and also attach the supporting documents. For example, if you wish to change the photograph, attach your photo and also a photo identity proof.
The principle subtleties of which are as per the following: according to the directions of the Election Commission, to praise the National Voters' Day-2021, accentuation has been laid on scattering different innovative activities executed by the Commission to offer different types of assistance to the citizens during the races, particularly during the Koro plague. For this, the Election Commission has recommended the accompanying different exercises notwithstanding the exercises embraced in the past under typical conditions regarding the festival of "Public Voters' Day" in the state.
Zero in on mechanical apparatuses: Special accentuation will be laid on promoting the innovative devices created by the Commission to guarantee straightforward, free and reasonable political decision measure at present just as to arrive at the greatest electorate through more effective exposure.
a) Launch of e-EPIC: E-EPIC will be dispatched on the event of NVD-2021. Under which electors will actually want to download their citizen ID card in their portable or worker.
b) e-EPICometer: A dashboard will be made for observing e-EPIC downloaded on ECI/CEO's site.
c) Awareness through state/locale level symbols and different members:
All broad Voters who have substantial EPIC
25th to 31st Jan 2021: All new voters enlisted
during extraordinary rundown amendment 2020
first Feb 2021 onwards: All General voters
It will be a non-editable secure convenient report design (PDF) variant of the EPIC (approx. 250 KB) which can be downloaded on portable or in a self-printable structure on the PC. An elector would thus be able to store the card on his versatile, transfer it on Digi storage or print it and
self-cover it. This is notwithstanding PVC EPIC being given for new enrollment.
Step by step instructions to Download e-EPIC ?
Resident can Download e-EPIC From
Vote Helpline Mobile application
https://www.nvsp.in/ – Details PDF Download.
Support the far and wide utilization of portable applications, for example, Voter Helpline, PwD App, C-Vigil, Voter Turnout App, Candidate App created to give essential data to the electors just as getting data about enrollment, surveying station area.
Download Details PDF: Click here
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