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Monday 2 November 2020

November 2, the well-known astrologer Dr. Learn from Ajay Bhambi according to your zodiac sign.

 On Monday, November 2, the well-known astrologer Dr.  Learn from Ajay Bhambi according to your zodiac sign.


 Positive: - The work you have been working hard for the last few times, today will bring more than expected good results.  Close relatives will be invited to visit.  A good time can be spent in socializing with each other.

 Negative: - Believe in facts without paying attention to fiction and people's fabrications.  Understand all the situations first then have your say on it.  Calmly explain the mistake of the children, getting angry can create a feeling of inferiority in them.

 Business: - When finalizing any business related deal, work with discretion and understanding.

 Love: - There will be sweetness in the relationship between husband and wife.

 Health: - There will be gas, indigestion and stomach problems.



 Positive: - Your stuck political work can be solved with the help of an influential person, so keep trying.  Your special contribution will be to solve children's problems properly.

 Negative: - Talking to a friend or neighbor can lead to stress.  Work with patience and restraint at this time otherwise the matter may get worse.  More caution must be exercised in investment matters.

 Occupation: - Keep away from people with negative activity in business related activities.

 Love: - Bring gifts for your spouse and family and spend time with them.

 Health: - Your moderate daily routine towards health and eating will keep you healthy.


 Gemini: -

 Positive: - Taking care of the elders of the house and spending time with them will keep them happy and healthy.  With their help any ongoing family matter can be resolved.  The house will be full of guests.

 Negative: - Do not associate with people of negative activity.  Those people behind your back can spread false rumors about you.  Losing or stealing something important can cause a lot of damage.

Aquarius: -

 Positive: - At this time constellations and destiny are creating auspicious opportunities for you.  Have full confidence in your qualifications and abilities.  You will achieve success.  Meeting up with a few close people can happen.

 Negative: - Sometimes pride can be detrimental to you.  Relationships with important people can also get worse.  At this time it will be a source of income but the expenses will be higher.

 Business: - There will be a lot of benefits in business related to partnership.

 Love: - There can be a little dispute with the spouse regarding the arrangement of the house.

 Health: - There will be complaints of cervical and shoulder pain.


 Mean: -

 Positive: - Will have special interest in works related to religious organization and service.  Helping others will also give you peace of mind and spirit.  Success will come only if you think deeply about it before doing any work.

 Negative: - There is a need to guide children regarding their studies and personal problems.  Otherwise their morale may drop.  Be careful with paperwork when shopping for a home or car.

 Occupation: - Do all the work in the field under your supervision.

 Love: - Marriage will be happy.

 Health: - Health will be excellent.

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