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Sunday 20 February 2022

Why are black and white uniforms worn by prisoners in prisons?

Why are black and white uniforms worn by prisoners in prisons?

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Why do jails have uniforms with black and white lines?
Attached behind the uniform is a history
Learn about it
You may have seen many movies that have a prison scene. Prisoners are given uniforms with black and white lines. All dresses are like one. But have you ever wondered why inmates in prisons are given the same uniform?

The story of giving uniforms to prisoners in prisons is connected with history. It is said that the Auburn Prison Status came to America in the 18th century. This is believed to be the beginning of the modern prison. Gray-black dress was also given here.

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This is the reason behind the inmates wearing uniforms
The biggest reason, according to media reports, is that since the dress is fixed, if a prisoner escapes, people can identify him and tell the police. They were also given dresses to instill a sense of discipline in them. It is also said that the gray-black strips were presented as a symbol of shame. But when it came to prisoners’ human rights, the symbol of shame was removed. Black-and-white dresses came into vogue around 19th century.

ગુજરાતીમાં વાંચવા માટે અહી ક્લિક કરો

Apart from India, there are different dresses in other countries
It is not that all over the world prisoners are given white and black uniforms like in India. Different types of dresses are also offered in different countries. Speaking of India, it is being said that in the time of the British, the human rights of prisoners were considered.

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